Get the job training
you need today
to land your dream job tomorrow!

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Get the education you need for the career you want!

Get trained for a career you’ll love. CET teaches you the skills needed to land a job in your chosen field.

We provide the training and support to help students of all backgrounds succeed in work and life.

Learn how we can help you
Why Choose CET?
Job Placement Assistance
Direct access to good leads and
solid support in finding work.
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Get to Success Faster
Our programs can be
completed in short term.
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High Graduation Rate
Our individualized environment leads to high completion rates.
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2 Week Trial
Try it out
If you don’t love it, walk away.
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Support Services
From transportation to help with citizenship and more.
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Low Tuition Cost
Financial Aid available.
Apply to see if you qualify for aid.
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Veteran Friendly
Get help with your VA
educational benefits.
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Schedule a call with one of our program advisors