Training programs available in

Alexandria, VA

CET provides you trade school training for your future career. With year round open enrollment, if you are ready to start, CET is ready to help you.
With hands-on training, you learn the skills you need. A full time schedule means you can complete programs in under a year. CET is approved to offer veterans education benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency. Work Hard. Be Strong.

Administrative Hours

M–Th: 8am–6pm
Friday: 8am - 4pm

Day Program Schedule
M-F: 8:00am - 3:00pm

Evening Program Schedule
M-F: 5:00pm - 10:00pm

Contact Us

Training Programs Available

Building Maintenance
Career training for a job in construction and building maintenance In this hands-on maintenance job training program, you learn the skills you’ll need to get on the path towards a great career in the ... Learn more
HVAC Specialist
Career training for a job in the HVAC field In this hands-on HVAC job training program, you’ll get the skills you need for a job installing or servicing air conditioning, ventilation, or heating units... Learn more

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Why Choose CET?

What makes CET different is our integrated training model –
we bring together all the elements for success.

All of CET’s programs are competency-based, meaning you master the real-world skills you need for successful job performance without needing to worry about a letter grade. You master the concepts while you gain hands-on experience in a supportive environment. You owe it to yourself to schedule a call today. Why wait two years or more? Get the skills you want for a trade you want.

Ready to come in for a Tour/Orientation?

Register Here Our programs are Veteran Friendly!

Our skill training programs will help put you on a path to getting a good job and a steady paycheck. And we offer unparalleled job placement assistance. CET trains in an individualized environment using a unique “open-entry” admissions process – there are no semesters or quarters. This means you can start when you are ready to go. You will be well trained and ready to enter the workforce when you graduate.

For more information about our graduation rates, the median student debt, and other information visit Consumer Information - Alexandria, VA