Farmworker Admissions

Center for Employment Training has been serving migrant and seasonal farmworkers since 1967.

Inspired by leaders like Cesar Chavez of the UFW and the social justice movement of the Catholic Church, CET’s founders saw a need to support farmworkers and others in need of training during a period of social and economic change. CET continues to advocate for farm workers and is an active member of the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP).

If you work in agriculture, you and/or your dependents may qualify for a special grant under the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). If you qualify, while you’re in school you may be eligible for supportive services and a stipend.

Although qualifying for the NFJP grant requires specific information, CET’s staff will be here to help you every step of the way.  And congratulations on deciding to pursue job training!

How to Apply:

The first thing to do is to call us or meet with an Admissions Advisor. The advisor will help determine if you are eligible to apply for this grant.

You’ll discuss your interests and which program you are interested in. Like all other students, the Advisor will go through tuition & textbooks provided, and information about the school. 

If you are applying for the NFJP grant, here’s what to expect:

You will discuss the details of the last two years of employment history. We’ll ask you specific questions such as the kind of work you did.  If you are a dependent of a farmworker, the questions will be about your parent or spouse, it may also apply to other relatives as well.  We will get into more detail during the eligibility process.

  • Meet with a Financial Aid Officer (FAO) and find out if you qualify for other federal financial aid such as Pell Grants. 


How do I know if I am a “Farmworker”?
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Training Administration, being a farmworker means being employed in the “cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities. This includes the raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals, or poultry, farming of fish, and any practices (including any forestry or lumbering operations) performed by a farmer, or on a farm, as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market, or to carriers for transportation to market. It also includes the handling, planting, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, or grading prior to delivery for storage of any agricultural or horticultural commodity in its unmanufactured state.”

What types of jobs will you train me for?
We want you to succeed, so we train you for jobs where there is a career pathway. Click below to see the different training programs CET offers by category:

How much does attending school cost?
Costs per program vary. If you qualify for the NFJP grant, your tuition may be fully covered. An Admissions Advisor will go over what the grant will pay for during training. With this in mind, you can find costs in the student catalog addenda.

What if English is not my first language?
Your progress in learning job-related English will be supported through Vocational English as a Second Language. All training materials and tests are in English.  But don’t worry, just like hands-on practice, many staff members and fellow students are bilingual to help you master the language you need to get a job done.

What’s the class schedule?        
Classes are five days a week, which means you can finish in under a year. In general, programs are from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Some campuses offer evening courses. Visit the location page to find the campus nearest to you.

What if I didn’t graduate from high school or don’t have my GED?
At CET you may have options without them. You can enroll in CET and in the Adult Education Career Pathways program for GED prep! Be sure to tell the Admissions Department so they can guide you through the eligibility process.

What is open enrollment? 
Open enrollment simply means you can start any time of year once you have completed enrollment. We like to say when you are ready, so are we!

Do you provide any certificates needed by employers?
All programs offer certificates that show employers that you are prepared for an entry-level position. Programs can also prepare you for industry-recognized certifications. The student catalog will provide more information.

Does CET provide any other services to farmworkers?
In addition to the services provided by the NFJP grant, CET will advocate for farmworker rights through a Complaint System Awareness and Referral Program. CET also provides additional supportive services to eligible farmworkers.

NFJP Program Statistics (Steven’s Amendment)

  • 100% of the total costs of the NFJP is financed with Federal money;
  • The dollar amount of Federal funds for this program is $7,324,989; and
  • 0% and $0.00 are the total costs of the project that will be financed by non-governmental sources.