In an ever-changing job market, it’s important to know not just what the situation is now but also what it will look like further down the line. Employment predictions are an essential resource to make that determination.
Over the upcoming decade, those projections show that some sectors, like retail sales and production, will see significant job losses, but others are expected to make substantial gains.
For those who are concerned about job security, these fields are some of the safest bets in the future. They are poised for serious growth into the next decade!
In terms of employment growth, healthcare is growing faster than any other major sector in the economy. Healthcare professions make up nearly half of the 30 fastest-growing occupations for the upcoming decade. Jobs such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners are some of the many healthcare positions expected to grow substantially in the next ten years.
As the large Baby Boomer generation ages and needs more medical assistance, the number of jobs in the home healthcare sector and community care homes for the elderly will see a significant rise. Jobs as home health and personal care aids, for example, are expected to grow an incredible 34% by 2029. That’s quite a jump. People qualified for these jobs will be very in-demand.
Other healthcare segments like mental healthcare and physical therapy will also add more jobs. These are positions that won’t be lost to robots or international competition, either! Healthcare has some of the best job prospects around.
As technology continues to advance at a light-speed pace and society grows more and more reliant on it, the number of jobs in the technology sector will only increase. One job, in particular, information security analysts, is in the top 10 fastest-growing occupations over the next ten years in employment projections.
Other jobs in the tech sector that will be in high demand are software developers, app developers, and computer systems analysts.
The number of jobs in the field of mathematics is expected to grow by 27% by 2029, almost seven times higher than the average for all professions. Positions in this field include statisticians, actuaries, and, of course, mathematicians. All of these jobs fall in the top 15 fastest-growing occupations.
The projected growth is mostly credited to businesses’ increasing reliance on data and analytics to make decisions. Professionals in this field are the ones who provide that value analysis. These are high-paying, secure job prospects for those interested in that kind of work.
Jobs for the Future
Planning out a career can be challenging when there’s so much uncertainty in the world. No one wants to spend time building professional skills and connections only to lose their job and prospects. Choosing a career in one of these growing sectors should help mitigate that risk.
While healthcare leads the way, other sectors like technology and consulting are likely to grow significantly, too, according to employment projections. Many of the jobs in these sectors don’t require more education than a Bachelor’s degree, and some only ask for a high school diploma. With such positive employment predictions and relative ease of entry, jobs in these sectors are very appealing options.
Of course, they aren’t the only options. Many other occupations are expected to grow as well. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics provides information on hundreds of occupations, including the projected job growth they will see over the next ten years. It’s the place to look for the career outlook of almost any profession.
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