CET Colton Commencement Ceremony

Everyone says CET’s graduations are the best! This year will no different, and we’ll be doing a Drive-Thru Graduation!
When our graduates get together for a good time CET’s want you to have all your family and friends celebrate your accomplishments. So load ’em up, rent a van if you have to, and come celebrate your Success!
If you haven’t already, RSVP below.
CET Graduates – We cordially invite you to participate in the CET Colton Commencement Ceremony. You have earned your training certificate and it is a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT. Your participation in this ceremony will be a memorable and worthwhile event in your life and a reason to gather family and friends.
Please use the RSVP form to let us know you’ll be there. We will be in communication with you on the details.
Participants in the commencement ceremony are must arrive by 10:00 a.m. to check-in. ALL FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS ARE ASKED TO ARRIVE AFTER 10:30 A.M. There is a two-car maximum per graduate otherwise the parking lot will be filled!
We look forward to seeing you there.
11:00 am
CET Colton
1099 North Pepper Ave
Colton, CA
Free to attend - 2 car Maximum
Open to the public